Residency in Andorra
Even if you speak the language, moving to a new country comes with a steep learning curve.
Let us help you choose the right residency path, and handle each step of your application, so you can focus on starting your new life.
Your Guide to Residency in Andorra
There’s a lot to love about Andorra. But while it’s nice to know the school systems are great, the country is safe, the tax system is fair and overall it’s a very healthy place to live, it’s a moot point if you don’t have a residence permit.
If you’re convinced Andorra is the place and you want to call this beautiful country home, it’s time to dig into the specifics of residency.

Two Main Options
Andorra has 2 main options to live here, with different residency requirements;
- Passive residence; residence with or without a company
- Active residence; residence and self-employment
The main difference between these options is the number of days you’re required to stay in Andorra, and how you are insured (privately or publicly).
Active vs Passive
Passive residency visas require residents to spend 90 in the country each calendar year, while active residents are required to call Andorra their home, spending at least 183 days of the year here.
It’s worth considering how much time you want to spend in Andorra before making any decisions.
Passive and active residents do not have a work permit, meaning they cannot work locally (unless it is for their own company).
While passive residents are required to organise their own private health insurance (min. €2,000 per year), active residents must be registered with CASS, part of the Andorran healthcare system (currently €6,406 per year).
With passive residency you can opt to be a fiscal resident or not, where is with active residency you become one by default.
The decision isn’t cut-and-dried, however. Many full-time residents still choose the passive route, for good reasons too.
If you choose to work with us, we’ll guide to to your best option, ensuring an efficient financial commitment, but more importantly limiting headaches and paperwork along the way.

Pricing for Andorran Residency Applications
Residency requirements aren’t simple, but our prices are. You’ll pay a flat rate for the primary applicant, along with a supplementary fee for dependents.
+€879 per dependent
- Spend 183+ days per year in Andorra
- Must form a company in Andorra
- Healthcare coverage through CASS
- Deposit €50,000 in a government bond
+€879 per dependent
- Spend 90+ days per year in Andorra
- Must have private health insurance
- Invest a total sum of €600,000, start a company, or show proof of international recognition in science, culture or sports
- Deposit €47,500 in a government bond (plus €9,500 per dependent)¹
- Additional €2,500 fee to collect the main applicant’s card (plus €500 per dependent)
Don’t worry, we’re not only handling immigration matters.
In addition to your application, we’ll also help you out with key elements of settling into Andorra from the day your order begins until you receive your residency card.
After this time, we welcome you to sign up to our local support plan.
¹These amounts will be deducted from your total investment of €600,000
Finding Housing
✓ included
Local Connections
✓ included
Guidance on Schooling
✓ included
Opening a Bank Account
✓ included

An expert who has your back
Moving to, and doing business in a new country can be a steep learning curve. You really need someone on your side to help make the transition as smooth as possible.
Guy’s combined experience in property management and helping new residents move to Andorra has placed him in a unique position to help newcomers. He not only has the knowledge to help you make the right decisions, he can connect you with the right people at the right time as well.
How to get residency in Andorra

Step 1
Open a Personal Bank Account
To get the process rolling, you’ll need a local bank account. With this account, we’ll be able to set you up the right way from the beginning, and minimise future headaches.

Step 2 (Active, and Passive ‘Professionals in International Business’ applications)
Register Your Company
If you’re choosing to register a company in Andorra to gain either active or passive residency in Andorra, you will need to start the process early in your application. By starting early, you will avoid costly time delays later in the application process.

Step 3
Find Somewhere to Live
You’ll need an address for almost every step in this list, so finding somewhere to live is very important. You might choose to buy straight away, or rent while you settle in, it doesn’t really matter and we can help you with both options.

Step 4 (Passive only)
Get Andorran Insurance
As you won’t be covered by the local social security system, when applying for passive residency you’ll need to show proof of health, incapacity and old age insurance. We’ll do the leg work for you, seeking multiple quotes that suit your needs to be sure you don’t overpay.

Step 5
Prepare Your Immigration Portfolio
Here’s where we’ll work with you to get your paperwork in order. This involves criminal records, a civil status certificate, your CV, and foreign investment authorisation.

Step 6
Deposit Funds & Collect Certificates
Transfer funds to your Andorran bank account, and arrange your Andorran Finance Authority bond certificate, and an income certificate from your bank.

Step 7
Attend an Immigration Interview
Due to unprecedented demand for all types of residency, each application involves an in-person interview. This isn’t arduous. It’s an opportunity to make sure everything ‘adds up’, and that you are physically in the country.

Step 8
Attend a Medical Interview
The Immigration Department also requires a medical interview and checkup as part of the process. You’ll visit with a government doctor that asks about your medical history.

Step 9
Receive Your Residency Card
When approved, we’ll visit the Immigration department to collect your new residency card. When you’re back in Andorra, we’ll deliver it to you, or drop it in your post box. Whatever’s easiest!

Step 10
Register With Your Comu
With your residency status approved, we can officially register you and any family members with your local commune. From here you can rest easy and turn your attention to discovering more of what Andorra has to offer!
Everything you need in one place
Without someone taking care of the details, your move to Andorra can be met with unnecessary delays.
Simply fill in our forms and upload any documents.
We’ll take care of the rest, keeping a record of all files and communication in our secure dashboard, where you can find everything you need, at any time.

Everything you need in one place
Without someone taking care of the details, your move to Andorra can be met with unnecessary delays.
Simply fill in our forms and upload any documents.
We’ll take care of the rest, keeping a record of all files and communication in our secure dashboard, where you can find everything you need, at any time.

Will I need an address before applying for residency?
Yes, you need either:
- a rental contract
- property deeds, or
- a purchase of sale agreement (as long as the property deeds are processed within 2 months after obtaining residency).
I had residency in Andorra and cancelled it and left the country. Is there any way of regaining residency or are there any special measures for people who used to have residency?
Even if you had residency in the past, you will unfortunately need to start the process from scratch.
Can I change residency category?
You can change residency category if you like. However, we would need to submit a new application which will require a new set of criminal records etc with the Hague Apostille stamp.
Occasionally, they accept the original ones submitted the first time round but you will need to take this into account. It is worth noting that your renewal periods will start from 0.
How likely is a residency application to be accepted or denied provided all criteria are met?
All applications in general are accepted and approved. It is very rare that an application gets denied. Andorra is interested in having new residents despite the bureaucracy!
Is there a minimum investment amount to obtain the foreign investment authorization?
For Passive Residency, can investments in Andorran real estate made before the application for residency count towards the €600,000 requirement?
You can invest in Andorran real estate before your residency application. You can then use this purchase towards the €600,000 investment as long as your proportional part meets the €600,000 (in the event that the Property Deed is under 2 names).
In the event that the property was purchased during the 80’s when property deeds were in pesetas, the Immigration department will exchange the pesetas into Euros. This is not inflation adjusted however, and is unlikely to meet the minimum investment requirement.
Any inherited or gifted properties cannot be used.
For Active Residency, can non-married partners use the same address?
Yes, you can, however you will both need to be shareholders of your company.
Does everybody in the family unit need to be present when we submit the application at Immigration?
Everybody in the family unit that is over 16 has to be present. Any person over 16 is required to do a medical check.
With regard to the 900 positions limit/quota per year, have you found this to be much of an issue? Is there an ideal time of year to apply?
Andorra rarely meets this quota of applications. When it comes to working permits, then it’s a different story and strict rules apply. We do not deal with work permits outside of self-employment via company formation.
Can we bring our pets with us?
Absolutely! Among our team we own both cats and dogs, so we know the vaccination and certification requirements inside-out. The process is different depending on where you’re currently a resident, but don’t worry, we’ll make it as smooth as possible for you and your little ones.
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